Saturday, July 11, 2009

Hari Kokurikulum

today is koko day...
i hav 2 go 2 school...
omg!my wonderful saturday....

the school is very 'xian'
when i was in the chinese society,
there r some funny activity..
the pupils in the classroom divide into 2 group
we all hav 2 choose a 'wakil' to the front...
sher fern n pau teen wrote some word in front
the 'wakil' in each group hav 2 guess
we can only tell them by hand language...

everyone are very funny~
especially Chang Shun~
n the lose group hav 2 sing....

un un un unfortunately,
we lose........................................................

we choose a song 2 sing
it is Zhou Hua Jian's 'Peng You'
zhi yong make us laugh many times...

When it was the sukan dan permainan activity,
i go 2 Tembing Boling Club first 2 take the attendance...
after a while,
i ponteng 2 taekwondo club...

at there,
a indian boy r teaching us simple hand technique..
he is very very funny lah!!
jan leong n i laugh
caz he forget 2 give them stretching...

after that,
we practice nunchuck
n playing table tennis....

at about 12.30, we all go home...

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